“Im Still Here” Ram Dass

The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the door to all momentsPutting it into words, words that convey the meaning of a state of being beyond description, a place to which few chose to travel, but where many arrive they know not how.  A wrinkle in time, compressed by pain and stretched by courage.  The overlap of what once was and what would never be again, a salient point – the absolute knowledge that nothing, nothing will ever be as it had been, not good or bad, right or wrong, simply irreversibly different as is, though unnoticed, every moment of every day.  No two seconds are the same.  Even the vain egoic attempt to take the past and pale it over the future with what one believes to be an indelible imprint is sheer folly.   It is absolutely impossible to predict the future let alone control it, cajole it into giving you what you think you want, what you say you must have to survive.  What Tomfoolery.  However there may be the possibility, in fact I am convinced that there is just that, of living the future now, of taking the bucket list of things you say must happen in order for you to be successful, to be happy, to be inspired….take that list and start checking them off one by one.  Do it now.  Live as if all your dreams have already come true.  If that were the case, how would you feel?  Grateful? Gratitude sounds reasonable, does it not?  Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.  Could one’s destiny be directly linked to the amount of time spent practicing gratitude.  Destiny is wither a choice or it is fate.  Which will it be?  I  chose the former.  Not fighting to change what is, not forcing something from nothing, but standing erect on the ground of this present moment with an eye to a vibrant, adventurous future. I am now living ispired by the shimmer of what is yet to come.

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