
you are a sinner

little girls have pretty curls

I love Oreos



upset anxious and

fearful.  feel betrayed.  tried so

damn hard to be good.



Sunday afternoon – choices must be made

Why not?

My hard drive wants to get fucked up.

Fuck all you all.

That’s the way we say, fuck you,

here in the South.

Way down South in Dixie.

Doesn’t really mean fuck you, does it?

No, It means fuck me.

Why not it’s Sunday afternoon.

Ain’t nothing else to do.

Why not get fucked up?

It would be fun, right?

That’s what my history tells me.

We talked about this at brunch.

MIght call it fucked up family syndrome –

child becomes addicted to rush

engendered by abuse within the family

needs it, has to have it, to feel alive.

Yeah you see if i get fucked up

then tomorrow will be harder

and I can say to myself all day

“You do not have to do this again.”

Then I can imagine I am being reborn

coming back to life,

like Lazarus rising from the dead.

Like the foxhole prayer.

“God help me.

I swear, God, I will never do this again.

Just help me now.  I promise I will be faithful.”

Does pleading with God help?

Does it give life meaning?

Kind of . . .  sometimes.

Boy then that is really fucked up.

Look outside,

the sun is shining.

Do something besides sitting

around here getting fucked up.

Fuck you.


Going to watch the Good Wife instead.  Happy Sunday to all.