Union of Opposites

What is yoga. It is the union of opposites which actually means the end of duality.  Yoga is  freedom from suffering and freedom to thrive, to live life fully without fear.  How do we achieve this state of being?  Practice, practice, practice.  We learn through the practice of yoga, the asanas, meditation, pranayama, to observe ourselves and the world around us.  How do we relate to ourselves?  Do we judge, criticize, bicker, abuse and berate?  Are we considerate, loving, compassionate and open-minded?  Do we accept ourselves unconditionally?  Probably not.

How do we relate to the world in which we live?  Do we label events, pidgeon-holing them as good or bad.  Do we like and dislike, judge and reject, separating from people, places and ideas we do not agree with?  When we learn to observe, to see clearly what part we are playing in the game of life, we soon realize that we can either accept things as they are or we can adjust, make changes, move on, directing our energies and thoughts into more positive and constructive behavior.

Last night, we went out with friends.  I slept until 8 am.   When I awoke, I realized that I would not have time for all of my usual morning rituals so I chose the one I felt was most important to me.  I meditated.  I could have spent what little time I did have before teaching, going over the action of last night which led to me sleeping so late.  How would that have served me?  Being self-critical is certainly not the best way to pass the time of day.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali makes it quite clear that everyone will eventually achieve the state of yoga.  Those who choose meditation as their path to enlightenment will proceed more quickly than those who solely practice devotion.  And those who work with the yamas and niyamas, focusing as I have mentioned on their relationships to themselves and the world, will be the slowest to experience the union of opposites.

Knowing that life is not an either or, a good or bad, a you or me, we can relax and practice being who we are in this moment.  We can observe our own behavior and the state of the world around us.  How are we doing?  Do we have good relationships or are we stuck in patterns of attachment or aversion?     Is there an element of joy and a sense of being deeply connected to the life you are living?  If so, continue on.  If not, perhaps there is an adjustment to be made.  Remember there are no mistakes….just lessons.

“We are all Bozos on the bus of life.”  Wavy Gravey