The Magic Of You

Quoted Directly from Rebelle Society

“As one soul sinks lower, so do those around it.” — Highlander, Author


Lead us all from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light.

Your life, my life, just a small speck, a tiny offering, in the grand scheme of everything.

Trust that despite your ignorance, despite all of your conditioning and hardships, despite the dark collective shadow that covers significant masses of our existence on this planet, you are meant to be here as you.

This experience is not in vain. You do have the ability to release pain, to transform the darkest parts of you into the deepest offering of healing, nourishment and transformation… for you, for those around you and for all life forms.

The healing elixir exists within the poison. Your issues, your trauma, your pain can set you free.

Make forgiving yourself the greatest act of courage. Make forgiving those around you, the world, the smallest sacrifice. Tap deeply into life. Invite the possibility of transforming the darkest aspects of you into something that is malleable and something that is allowed to be released.

Trust beyond your current understanding that you don’t have to be swallowed by the shadows.

Change your interpretation. Own your darkness like your life depends on it — because it does. If you never embrace it, it will never, ever let you be. It will never, ever let any of us be. You deserve better. You are more than you’ve ever imagined possible.

There’s nobody quite like you. Step into the magic of who and what you are.

You beautiful human being, confront your darkness and connect with the life you were meant to be living and the person you were meant to be. Live so that at the end of your life, your death will be the most encouraging offering, a small sacrifice for all of mankind.