essential nature

a human being –

an island of excellence –

life – priceless gift



for a time

i played outside in

the mud, climbing trees.  i went to

school, for a time, lost myself

in love, work, in the

past becoming the future

found love I lost and

then to last and for a time,

was happy as wife, lover,

mother, teacher, friend.

for a time, as grandmother,

each Monday i gave

to Amelia, who now three,

will go to school full

time for a time before she

too will seek to make

her past the future for a time.




space beyond pain. earth. . .

we come by choice to become

our soul’s destiny.



In honor of Maya Angelou

John Travolta did

it.  The Indiana Pacers

did it.  Beat the odds.


Last One Of the Morning

peace of mind over

rated give me a head on

fire consumed with desire


My Head’s on Fire by sebreg on deviantART – 900 × 1130 – Search by image

My Head’s on Fire by sebreg

March 1, One Year, One Day at a Time – Courage to Change

What a great day.  Spent the morning writing haiku and preparing for the workshop I am teaching at Midtown Yoga on Sunday, March 2 – Weight Control (control is not really the right word) thru yoga and diet.  I am so excited about gather a group of people who want to talk openly about food, weight, body image, societal norms and pressures and all the other things that go into separating us from ourselves and our bodies.  Food is not the enemy.  It is simply the fuel our bodies need to function at an optimum level of efficiency.
We are not defective.  Mary Oliver puts it so beautifully in her poem, Wild Geese.

Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting —
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

I wish there was a magic spell I could cast over all those who will attend the workshop, one that would give them the courage they need to change.  I saw this quote on Facebook today.  Joe Somodi posted it.  Perfect for the workshop.

10001291_10203597004589805_679811258_nSo true.  In his book The Four Desires, my teacher, Rod Stryker says, “the single hardest yoga practice is the same for everyone.  It is called change.  It is challenging to create and maintain a new trajectory.  Courage is almost always a necessary ingredient of change.  Fulfilling your potential and achieving your destiny demand that at some point you stand on your own and become your own leader.”  So true.  I have learned that the hard way, by trying for years to be what I thought I should be, what I believed others wanted me to be.  Never worked.  I was miserable, bulimic, alcoholic, depressed, suicidal, mean, anxious, angry, paranoid and unskillful.  NO more.

I know who I am.  I am charisma and I bring healing light to the world.  I am an incredible mother and grand mother.  I am a loving and sexy wife.  I am a damned good writer and I am getting better every day.  I am not here on this earth to please others, I am here to live out my dharma and by doing so I contribute to the well-being of the planet and everyone on it.  I am light.  I am love.  I am joy.  So are you.

Facing it Full On

Death #2

we are one face to

face i see through your icy

stare you are rebirth


Rebirth Painting by Hiroko Sakai – Rebirth Fine Art Prints and Posters for Sale – 712 × 900 – Search by image
Rebirth Painting – Rebirth Fine Art Print