February 4-One Year One Day at a Time – Long Days Journey Into Night

In the Dallas airport having a hot flash.  Took off my coat, scarf, sweater and there is nothing left to remove.  I should be in Albuquerque, shoulda coulda  woulda.  Cyndi made it.  I did not.  My United flight out of Memphis International scheduled to leave at 3:02 did not arrive until 2:54.  We boarded.  We sat and sat and sat.  We deplaned.  As George Cariin used to say “If they have a preboard, why don’t they have a post board.”  There was no reboard or post board.  Flight canceled due to computer malfunction.  Knowing that I would miss my flight out of Houston, I had already been on hold with United for 19 minutes when we got off the plane.  A  dapper gentleman in front of me in the queue we tells me he is going to Albuquerque and that there were two flights out of Memphis.  One through Dallas and the other through Salt Lake. In the mean time, United answers my call and I pass the information on to the Indian call center gal who answered.  “Delta is open from Memphis to Salt Lake but full to Albuquerque.”  The nice man gives me the American flight information.  She puts me on hold, “I must call American.  Please do you mind hold?”  30 minutes later, I managed to get the only seat left from Memphis to Albuquerque through Dallas.  The kind man who helped me will leave Houston for New Mexico until 9:10 am tomorrow.  As it stands now, I leave here at 10:40 and arrive at my destination at 11:25 pm.

Trying to have a good attitude.  Practicing listing all those things for which I have gratitude.  I will be in Albuquerque when I wake tomorrow.  I have free Wi-fi here in Dallas.  Pretty sweet.  I can write my nightly blog now because there is no way in hell I will be doing that at midnight.  I took a couple funny pictures of myself to have as a memory of this long days journey into night.


While sitting here writing, I got a text from my good friend Hannah Pickle.  She and her partner own and run Raw Girls in Memphis.  Check them out:  http://raw-girls-memphis.myshopify.com/collections/all.  They messaged me “Check your front porch.  We left a little love.  Just some samples that we thought you might like.”  Damn.  All that good food sitting on my porch and I ate the worst bowl of gumbo I ever had at the Memphis airport.  I called Jimmy, who was watching The Reader.  “Honey sorry to interrupt your movie.  Look on the porch.  Just got a text from Hannah and Amy.  They left us something.”  He keeps talking to me while he opens the box ( I hear packing material crumpling in the back ground)  “There is  so much stuff here.  Let’s see.  Veggie fritters with a sauce, Red Beets, Shaved Celery Root in Dijon remoulade over organic mixed greens from Delta Sol Farms, healing pineapple ginger juice, Creamy Italian Tomato Soup with cracked pepper, and more.  I am salivating.  Bummer….bummed, but happy for Jimmy.  What a treat.

Think there must have been MSG in that awful gumbo.  My hands are swelling and cramping.  I am drinking as much water as I can. What a day.  Thought about starting out this post with these Rolling Stones lyrics,

You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown.
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown

But I am not having a nervous break down. I am really remarkably calm.  Thank God for the internet and for the need to write.  I do have a few regrets.  My nose is dry from flying and I wish I had my nasya oil with me, packed away in my suitcase.  I wish I had not eaten that nasty gumbo.  But I promised myself I would eat.  I have been known to skip meals.  Not a good idea especially when I travel.  Too much vata already.  No food equals spacey!  I also wish what?  What else do I really wish?  Nothing.

Unfortunately I need to wrap this up.  My only other regret.  I packed the power cord for my laptop and my charge is getting dangerously low.  I want to post this before the computer fails.  Love to all of you out there who take the time to read my blog.  Thank you so much.  Goodnight.


Teetotaller, Loner, Blonde?

Now that I’m Free To Be Myself, Who Am I?

Mary Oliver


Now that I am free to be me, who will I be?  Will I be the girl who shaves her head or the one with long gray hair?


Wait, maybe I will grow my hair out long and then bleach it blond.  Will I be the girl who has a glass of wine at lunch or the one who is a teetotaller,  a writer or an actress,  a loner or the one who works to build strong, long-lasting relationships,  a yoga teacher or not?  Free to be me.  Hot/cold, angry/calm, happy/sad, good/bad or the end of duality.  Yoga teaches the union of opposites, but I like the opposing forces to be separate in and around me.  I want to have an edge.  I like a little confusion, keeps me on my toes.  My most recent yoga teacher, Rod Stryker told me I should quit drinking coffee because caffeine makes me a little edgy.  So what?  Edgy is good.  The same thing applies to being politically correct.  I am of the George Carlin school in that regard.  “You can’t fight City Hall, but you can goddamn sure blow it up.”  Right on.  Fuck em.  Hit me with your best stuff!


Free to be me whomever that might be.