Janaury 23, One Year, One Day at a Time-Breaking Out

Time for change.  Time to move on.  Time to relinquish my hold on anything old, worn out, used up…detritus.  I learned that big word from my husband, whom I must say is a heroic word slinger.  He often uses words I do not know, have not heard and have no idea as to their meaning.  So I ask, “What did you just say, peripatetic?  What the Hell does mean.”  He says, “Someone who shows up everywhere.”  My response is, “you mean someone really annoying.”  and so it goes.

Funny, after writing that last little anecdote about my husband I feel better.  It is easy for me to turn in on myself, to tell myself I am not doing enough.  Today, after working hard all week, writing, teaching, seeing clients, teaching private lessons, taking yoga classes, going to spin class and therapy as well as an advisory board meeting and all the other things we do to stay alive, I hit the wall.  Not to mention that I have spent the past several nights coughing and blowing my nose, which, by the way, does not make for restful sleep.

So I did something good for myself.  I got a wonderful massage from Tom at Midtown Massage.  I highly recommend him and the place her works, calm, inviting and soothing.  Well, I left there so relaxed it was impossible for me to get worked up about anything.  I watched the most recent episode of Downton Abbey.  So sad.  Tons of unrequited love.  Painful to watch Anna pushing Mr. Bates away because of the rape and her fear he will retaliate if she tells him what happened.  I, of course, am a big fan of the truth so throughout the episode I am silently urging her to come clean.  No such luck.

Then off to Kerry Jackson’s celebratory party at Fish and Associates.  Kerry passed her CFP exam.  Go Kerry.  I’m impressed and so happy for you.  Best wishes as you navigate this new career.  May you make lots of money for others and in so doing do well for yourself.  Love you Babe.  Had to add that last bit.  I think the world of this young woman.

Now at home, here, at my computer, where truly I am the most happy and the most at home.  I have found my heart and soul here writing these words and so many others.  Today, after sitting down and putting down what I see, what I feel, what I did today, I am more grateful than ever to be who I am.

I must say in closing that there were two huge highlights to my day.  My son, Jordan, who, by the way, will be opening in Monty Python’s Spamalot, came over for lunch and actually stayed for a visit.  Love that boy.  So grateful that he is alive today.  Hope you can see the show.  It opens tomorrow night, January 24, at Playhouse on the Square in Memphis, Tn.  Ya’ll come now.


The other was my dear friend, Cyndi Lee, honoring me this morning by asking me to co-teach a yoga retreat with her.  Thank you Cyndi.