January 25 – One Year, One Day at a Time – Miraculous

It is that time of day once again.  I am here, at home, watching the Grizzlies beat Houston.  Half time.  Wiping the smudges off my I-phone trying to think of what to say.  Lack of drama in my life.  Our society loves a little drama.  Strange how my life is just going a pace.  No drops into oblivion, no high-flying.  Life goes apace.  Odd that I am not jonesing for something grander, something about which I could write that would be sure to draw your attention.  I.E.  Child abuse, depression, alcoholism (got some of my biggest hits on alcoholism), fear, struggle and generalize doom and gloom.  What else gets the world’s attention?  Pornography.  None of that in my life. Murder?  There is a lot of that in Memphis but not around me.  adultery?  No.  Love my husband.  Not interested in anyone else.  Angst.  Not really.  I am sure I could dream up something to cause turmoil.   NO, I choose not to do that.  Shit.  I got nothin’ to complain about.  Why would you want to read my blog?

Okay, well reporting in as promised.  Got up, drank coffee, meditated, posted a blog, taught a private lesson, and then the high light of my day… I want to the First Presbyterian Church in Memphis to help with a craft’s day organized by  Choices of Memphis to make decorations for the annual Condomonium fund-raiser, held this year on March 1 at Playhouse on the Square.  Here is a sample of our work.


Condoms, condoms everywhere.   What a treat for me.  Out of the house, away from the computer, with other women , laughing about how great it was to be pasting condoms to paper lanterns.  Priceless.

Wow, maybe what happened after was even more wonderful.  Came home to an empty house.  Jimmy want on a long bike ride with his friend Ward Archer.  I had my first marathon TV afternoon in as long as I can remember.  I watched Law and Order, SUV, and then went through all three new episodes of Chicago P.D.  Loved it.  I sat on the floor and cut out pictures for a new image board to high light  novels, completed and published books,and the possibility of teaching yoga workshops across the country,  I include images of meditation. I will paste it all up tomorrow.  I did hip opening poses throughout the experience.  My hips are so tight.  I attribute this to spin class. I am having chronic back pain.  I know that i have to work to remedy the inflammation.  I do  feel better, less back pain, more openness.  Yoga works.  What a concept.

Jimmy came home with Ward who stayed a drink.  We visited for over 2 hours.  Love Ward Archer.  Jordan came just as Ward was leaving. I made him an omelet with sautéed brussels sprouts.  Always so glad to have him here.  Wish I could also see more of my wonderful daughter, Katie Nichols Cook.  She will be bringing our grand-daughter, Amelia over tomorrow afternoon to spend the night. Amelia will be with us Monday too.   Very grateful..

So we, Jimmy and I, ate dinner, roasted chicken and brussell sprouts, with red wine and chocolate covered almonds for desert.  The Grizzlies are still beating Houston and I am finishing a day, not so different than any other day writing this post.  Miraculous in its normalcy.

Amen, Amen