Monday – avoiding the frozen view

Having just returned from a wonderful week at the beach, I find it difficult to move with enthusiasm back into a day of work albeit an easy one with just one private lesson this morning and a public class this afternoon.  Combine the end of vacation with a still healing foot sprain and what do you get?  . . . someone who has not done a full yoga practice in over a week.  I sit with some regularity on the floor, even when not injured, but this week I have  spent an inordinate amount of time on the ground.  I have done multiple twists, forward folds, abdominal work, and, thanks to my loving husband who blew up the exercise ball, several supported back bends.  I am curious how my experience this past week will play out in my teaching today and in the days to come.


With that in mind, I am going to finish my coffee, meditate, do what yoga I can and turn, with at least curiosity, toward the day that lies ahead.  I will meet this day with openness and possibility.  I find that anytime I have a frozen view about how I think my day will go, I limit my capacity to be open and awake to what is happening in any given moment.  Then I feel separate as if I were viewing the world from behind prison bars.  I want to be fully engaged in my life whatever the circumstances.  I managed to go and spend a week at the beach without focusing on the limitation of a sprained foot.  Surely I can bring a similarly open mind to a day of work.