January 28-One Year, One Day at a Time – How Important is it?

Chocolate covered almonds. Every night begins with chocolate covered almonds.  How else is one to sit down at the end of a very long day and recapture its highlights. What are the day’s highlights? Meditation?  My yoga practice? Isn’t it one’s perspective that determines what is to be highlighted and what should be tossed aside?  Could the trip to Kroger for a red pepper, fennel and fingerling potatoes be the highlight?  Into what category does a grocery run fall, significant or not?  Do I mention the bottle of Meiomi wine I bought today?  Or is the private lesson I taught at 8:30 am the most important event of the day?


Should anything I do be judged by its level of significance or is each event to be seen as significant in its own way.  The second private lesson I taught at 10:30?  How do I value it?  Lunch with Jordan and Jimmy at 12:15?  A Skype client at 2:00?  Perhaps the private student who forgot to come at 4:00?  Then there was the student I worked with at 5:30 pm.  She wants to do handstand.  What are her obstacles?  Does she rate top billing?

Let’s not overlook the multiple times I checked the stats on my blog to see how many views I had.  Who was looking at and reading my blog? Hits on my blog… now that is especially riveting when you look at it in relationship to what is going on in the world.  Syria, the Ukraine, Argentina, Iran.  Consider the world view.  How important is my blog in the scope of world politics? mmmm?

Finally I have to note the television shows I watched in between appointments.  The Following with Kevin Bacon.  Intelligence.   The show I viewed  tonight, The Black List.  I love, absolutely love TV, but where do I place it on a scale of 1 – 10?

My friend, Jenny, came by tonight to pick up a bottle of Vata Oil.  She stayed.  We drank wine and visited.  The Meiomi I had bought earlier in the day became more important.  It was good, not stellar, but nice.  I had not seen Jenny in some time.  Life changes, big life changes going on in her life.  Those deserve attention.

The truth is every thing we do has value, but none of it life altering.  Not one thing we do in a day can change a life, but over time, the accumulation of mindful acts adds up.  They all come together, friends, private students,  wine, lunch with my son and husband, writing a blog, television, chocolate covered almonds to make a life, my life.  A great and wonderful life.  Thank you God. Thank you in particular for the skill of moderation.  It has made all the difference in my life.